Printed Date: 28/03/2025


We put purpose over profits. That’s why we reinvest every penny back into the business to support our social purpose, to develop our people and make our services and spaces better for everyone.


The results for the year 2022 (January 1st - December 31st) are set out within the summary financial statement.

Despite still recovering from the pandemic and the global energy crises that saw gas and electricity cost more than double, GLL is pleased to be declaring a small surplus of circa £1m and a surplus before depreciation from operating activities of £8m.

In the year, GLL faced additional unbudgeted gas and electricity costs of circa £15m (in addition to the significant increase already factored into the budgets). Through focussed actions and determination, we were able to largely offset these costs with the help of our partners and through a range of strategies to reduce
consumption. Again, GLL showed its resilience and resourcefulness in the face of adversity.

The total income turnover declared for the year is £311m which is in line with expectations.

Full accounts are available from the mutual register held by the FCA via this link


GLL Financial Statement 2022