Health Hub Launch in North Hykeham

Last week saw the launch of a new ‘Health Hub’ at the One NK leisure centre in North Hykeham.
Thought to be the first service of its kind in Lincolnshire, the Hub brings a variety of resources to a familiar community setting, making services such as blood pressure checks, physiotherapy and pulmonary rehabilitation more accessible to the public.
The project is the result of a partnership between health-related bodies including Better Leisure, Lincolnshire NHS Community Pulmonary Rehab, Lincolnshire NHS Community Cardiac Rehab, One You Lincolnshire and Great Northern Physiotherapy.
Around 250 people attended the event along with councillors Richard Wright, Tony Mabbott and Gina Johnson-Hirt. Free ‘taster’ activities and talks included physiotherapy for osteo-arthritis, Shiatsu, chair-based exercise, and the menopause.
In addition, twenty-seven visitors underwent an assessment from the Better Healthwise team (where people with ongoing health challenges are referred for tailored exercise).
Shaun Fisher, Community and Health Manager in the region, comments, "The event was a great success with learning taken on board to make the next event even better!
"Special mention to Carole Pendle for her fantastic support leading up to the event."