GLL Gender Pay Gap Report for 2018/19

Mean = average
Median = the middle number
- The mean gender pay gap for GLL is -9.28
- The median gender pay gap for GLL is -6.36
- The mean gender bonus gap for GLL 17.5%
- The median gender bonus gap for GLL is 9.4%
- The proportion of male employees in GLL receiving a bonus* is 21% and the proportion of female employees receiving a bonus is 12.6%
- *GLL’s bonus is an attendance-related bonus (ARB) scheme and not based on the organisation’s or individual’s performance. It is only payable to permanent leisure and corporate support staff in London. In locations where ARB is offered, 53.6% of the eligible workforce is female.
Pay quartiles by gender |
Band |
Males |
Females |
Description |
A |
47.0% |
53.0% |
Includes all employees whose standard hourly rate places them at or below the lower quartile |
B |
48.7% |
51.3% |
Includes all employees whose standard hourly rate places them above the lower quartile but at or below the median |
C |
42.5% |
57.5% |
Includes all employees whose standard hourly rate places them above the median but at or below the upper quartile |
D |
36.1% |
63.9% |
Includes all employees whose standard hourly rate places them above the upper quartile |
The figures set out above have been calculated using the standard methodologies used in the Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017.
Explaining GLL’s gender pay report
Equal pay and the gender pay gap both deal with the disparity of pay that women receive in the workplace. Under the law, men and women must receive equal pay for:
- the same or broadly similar work;
- work rated as equivalent under a job evaluation scheme; or
- work of equal value.
The gender pay gap is a measure of the difference between men’s and women’s average earnings across the same organisation or the labour market as a whole. In the UK, there is currently a gender pay gap of 8.6% for full-time employees (source: ONS – data 2018).
GLL is committed to the principle of equal opportunities and equal treatment for all employees, regardless of sex, race, religion or belief, age, marriage or civil partnership, pregnancy/maternity, sexual orientation, gender reassignment or disability. We have a clear policy of paying employees equally for the same or equivalent work, regardless of their sex (or any other characteristic set out above). As such, we:
- carry out pay and benefits audits at regular intervals;
- evaluate job roles and pay grades as necessary to ensure a fair structure;
- work to set pay structures to ensure there is no unfairness of pay.
We are showing a fairly equal balance in pay between genders at the lower pay quartiles. In the upper pay quartiles, the gender pay gap is showing positive results for female workers.
This is our second gender pay gap report and we have found the results are largely the same as the previous year. The majority of new staff into GLL in the past year have come from new contract wins and staff TUPEing over. Our positive result can be explained by the fact that GLL’s business is focussed mainly on operating leisure centres, libraries and children’s centres and nearly 85% of our libraries and children’s centre staff are female, with 83% of management in libraries being female and 100% female management in children’s centres. In addition, the majority of GLL’s workforce is from our active leisure division, where nearly 54% of workers are female. Within the leisure division, some of the most highly paid roles based on an hourly rate are Fitness Class Instructors, Gymnastics/Trampoline Coaches and Swimming Teachers and 75% of these roles are held by females.
In many organisations across the UK, men are currently more likely than women to be in senior roles which is also reflected within GLL’s Senior Leadership Team and our Leisure Division where 39% (up 6% from last year) of management and leadership roles are held by females. We are proud of the work we have done to ensure more women are able to move into more senior roles and will continue to support this throughout the business. GLL is keen to further increase this percentage and, in particular, to ensure this pipeline of female managers achieve progression to the highest levels of the organisation. We will continue to focus on development initiatives to support this within our well-established Management Academies and Trainee Manager development programmes as well as our newly-launched Leadership Academy.