Printed Date: 05/02/2025

GLL Boosts Community Wellbeing in East London

Last month, staff from GLL leisure centres in Waltham Forest took part in a community event aimed at tackling health inequalities in the borough. An estimated 40,000 people in the area are waiting for medical services.

The event – which was initiated by Waltham Forest Council, local public health strategists and social prescribers - took place at Waltham Forest Community Hub in the ‘village’ of Walthamstow. Five GPs were on hand to see patients throughout the day, along with nurses providing on-the-spot vaccinations and a dentist.

‘Better’ was there as part of a team of community partners. Local Healthwise representative Anton Stevens took the opportunity to promote the scheme to the public and medical staff alike and explain other offerings such as the adult weight management and physical activity referral scheme. Other organisations present included Citizens Advice and the local Employment Services.

You can watch a video of the event at -

Daniel Banks, Community Sports Manager in the region, comments, “Whilst Better cannot do anything about GP waiting times, by promoting our local provision such as Warm Spaces and a funded chair-based exercise programme, it gives people options on ways to improve their mental and physical well-being.”